Joshua Hebert's Pictures Outside Frontier Town 2005
Joshua Hebert is doing an 8th grade school project about Frontier Town. He recently visited the Frontier Town site, where he interviewed former employee Harold Bessey (Click here to see a number of pictures that Harold provided me for this website). The new owners have really clamped down on anyone entering the old park, but Joshua did provide these pictures from outside Frontier Town. Click here to compare these with those I took two years earlier.

Joshua interviewing Harold in the old, Route 9, parking lot. I believe that is Art Bensen's former home in the background. The big sign in the Route 9 parking lot is certainly beginning to show the effect of years of neglect, though I suspect that some of the fading of the paint was caused by the new owners.
The sign at Frontier Town looks abandoned. "Come Back," the sign seems to say.
The railroad station at the new, Northway, entrance. Note that the "Train Depot" lettering, which was here in 2003, is no longer here. It is now at Adirondack Animal Land. Click here to see a picture of it there.
The old entrance to Frontier Town. Click here to compare this picture with a picture from the 1950s of the original part of the building. Looking in one of the windows of the old entrance.
The "J Bar E" motel, which was about a 1/4 mile from the original entrance and later purchased by Frontier Town. (Thanks to Harold Bessey for the identification. - I received the following update from Jim Liberty's granddaughter - "The motel that Mr. Bessey said is the J Bar S in actuality is the J Bar E and it was not originally owned by Frontier Town but by a couple with the last name of Koller. When Mr. and Mrs. Koller wanted to sell the motel Frontier Town purchased it from them and never changed the name.") A number of people have emailed me to ask how Molly and Dolly are doing in their new Florida home. Joan Hebert, Joshua's grandmother, told me, "I contacted Bridgette Ivory in public relations peace river( said Molly and Dolly are doing great and sent me this picture."