I was driving in northern New York early in September of 2003 and decided to exit Interstate 87 at Frontier Town. I had expected to see the site in a much more run down condition but, as can be seen from the photos below, at least the parts of the park that can be seen from the road are actually in pretty good condition. They look ready for people to once again pass through into the park - I hope that someday it will be possible to do so.
The New York Department of Transportation seems to have been using the parking lot as a temporary headquarters for road repairs.
There was even a train car waiting to carry passengers into the park from the parking lot off the Northway.
The gas station across Blue Ridge Road has been renovated but is closed and the pumps are missing.
I took a look in the window and found items from Western Outfitters, the Gunsmith Shop and the Gift Shop on display. If there had been anyone there to sell them, I would have bought some souvenirs.
I remember the sign that is visible from Route 9 from when I was a kid.
The old entrance that I went through as a kid is still there, though a bit the worse for wear. Back then (in the sixties), they did not accept money in the shops inside the park - instead each visitor had a card that purchases were marked on and paid for when exiting through this building.
The motel looks the same as it did when I stayed there in 1996.
Compare this shot of the restaurant, which has been closed for probably 25 years, with the one in the brochure on the main page of this site.